Sunday, May 2, 2010

The walk to success

Today was the Walk for Kids Help Phone! As always the hot dogs were great, the supporters were amazing, and walkers proved no matter the weather they will always strap on their runners in order to be there for kids.

This year was a tough year for us all, we faced economic adversity and provided aide in the face of other nation’s disaster. Often when we are faced with these difficult times we close our wallets to charity, or perhaps a firmly understood charity is our more likely choice. In my thanks to all the volunteers, corporate sponsors, and walk coordinators who make this incredible event happen, I want to share the difference a dollar can make.

Its New Year’s, a boy is crying again, not because he didn't get the right gift at Christmas but because he’s scared. Unsure what his future is in this world he picks up the phone, he’s not a stranger to 1-800-668-6868 he’s called a few times before. He doesn't wait very long and he hears a familiar voice on the line, a counselor named Sandra they had spoken before. The boy asks if the New Year is worth living. Sandra knows his story, his struggle with an eating disorder, his abusive mom, and his struggle to survive. She doesn't talk down to him, she doesn't intimidate him, and she just listens to his pain. She’s not tracking his call, she doesn't even have call display to know his name she knows his name is Aidan because he trusted enough to tell her. It’s now 12:01 and officially a New Year and before Sandra ends the call she has one last request, for her efforts she kindly asks to have the honor to be the first person I wish a happy New Year to.

Several years have passed and many successes have been made towards my own success. However, every year on May 2nd I walk because I remember the counselors who saved my life. I have volunteered with this organization for 5 years and know the people who continue to play a crucial role in the lives of Canadian children. So I thank the ones who walked so I could talk, and I walk so more will talk!

Pictures from: Walk for Kids Help Phone 2010 (Vancouver, BC)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aidan,

    It's Shima from the walk yesterday. I agree with you it was a good turnout and people's enthusiasm was refreshing.

    I enjoyed reading your blog; different perceptions and stories fascinate me.

    I gathered that you are interested in different experiments and research. I tend to read research for my studies, so I thought I'd share my latest findings with you. They're rather interesting:


