Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blind Sided Thought

I don’t often base things on Hollywood, however under the right circumstance I feel movies like music can invoke more than just entertainment.

The movie is The Blind Side, based on a true story it’s about how a wealthy family adopts a boy who ends up being an exceptional football player. Now I may not be a member of a wealthy family, and I have yet to become an amazing athlete. However I do relate to the story… I too lack a biological mother as a role model, I have had multiple “moms” influence me to my current path and I will admit that this relation moved me a bit and left me thinking about how I got where I am today.

I took the thought a step further and instead of how I got to my current situation, how do children manage to comeback from great adversity? Children live for the moment in a lot of ways, scrape their knee and the next day they are climbing trees and performing various acts that could wind up in further injury… however they do it because it’s fun and fun is the most important part of being a kid. The same is true for emotional trauma, we all experienced the loss of a pet as a child and although we may have been sad for a week, month maybe? In the end we were able to overcome the feelings and move on.

Now I’m not saying we all need to adopt the next child we see, but take the time to be there for a child. Even if you don’t have your own children you can still be a positive influence of change! Why not volunteer for a childrens charity? Or get involved with your local big brothers, big sisters? Even small involvement could have profound effects on a childs future can you remember an experience or a person who helped you as a child?

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