Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Global change, unified solution

I recently had the pleasure to meet the founder for Global Agents for Change a non-profit working to change the third world. What I was most intrigued by was how they were going to accomplish their goals through development of society, such as education in the 3rd world countries, and empowering the young people of our nation to come up with create ideas for change.

Taking this idea one step further I related the causes of turmoil in the 3rd world to the key causes of childhood abuse, poor education, poverty, and lack or limit of basic human needs. All these issues occur in the 3rd world just as they do in the nations we call home. What this means is we need to solve the source, break the catalyst to break the chain. In my previous post I revealed statistics of over 100,000 cases in Canada alone... The demand to solve each case individually is huge. However, investing in community programs for adult education as well as maintaining and improving the level of funding for the future generations schooling will decrease poverty and remove two of the key causes for Child Abuse.

We are quickly approaching a global population of 7 billion people; some of our issues have grown too large to solve one water pump at a time. We need to unify our efforts and attack the key reasons people suffer, invest in a community, and invest in a national school program. In the issue of abuse out of the thousands of cases reported there are still many who are too afraid to speak. By using mass messaging we improve the chances of reaching that child. I challenge my readers to raise your voice and incite change, the use of word and media is the first step to a global solution.

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