Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Child abuse, todays greatest atrocity

April is national child abuse prevention month. The statistics are overwhelming with over 200,000 cases in 2003 according to the Canadian Incidence Study. However, a stat is just that its a number, and as such it is easily forgotten. I am a survivor of abuse, a face, not a number. Well putting together the initial post on this topic a friend asked if I was affected? I replied that I wasn't, not by circumstance but by choice... if I hope to incite change I must also show strength.

National child abuse prevention month is exactly that, its change. Although abuse occurs thousands of times a year throughout all nations of the world it is rarely discussed. We often hear "children are the future," then I ask what are we doing to protect the future?

Kids Help Phone, a non-profit organization consisting of web/phone short term counseling had 2.2million contacts in 2008 from Canadian kids, 23% of those contacts were in regards to Mental Health and currently the organizations website has just under 5000 entries under the violence & abuse forum.

The current generation is filled with a great courage, they have the strength to discuss and report abuse. Throughout the month I will discuss the types of abuse and how you can raise a voice in opposition towards this heinous crime.

Resources: Kids Help Phone
CIS child abuse report(PDF)
Image: Aidan Scott

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