Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Preventative Option

I recently began doing presentations in schools to raise awareness for Kids Help Phone and to create interest in the organizations Student Ambassador program. After one of my presentations a student brought up a very interesting point, he wondered why an organization like Kids Help Phone is not government funded? This initiated a short conversation in regards to possible cost savings in preventative therapy.

As someone who has seen both youth and adult systems I know the strength and weakness of both. In the adult system the primary purpose seems to be damage control consisting primarily through medication and overloaded inpatient programs that seem to be a black hole for patient negativity. Alternatively the youth system focuses on moving forward through issues and finding solutions. Is a patient for 10 years not far more cost effective then an adult who will need care for the rest of their life?

We need to develop our youth programs so kids can have a future tomorrow. The current generation is talking about issues never before brought before the public eye. Topics like male sexual abuse, Suicide, and sexual preference are no longer swept under societies mat, instead it is being challenged demanding change. To improve the health system of tomorrow funding and program development is required now in the resources responsible for assisting youth.

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